Thursday, February 24, 2005

French Women Do Too Get Fat

French Women Do Too Get Fat
What the best seller neglects to mention.
By Kate Taylor
Posted Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2005, at 3:23 PM PT

Mireille Guiliano, the French-born CEO of Clicquot Inc., Veuve
Clicquot's American subsidiary, has many things to toast these days.
Besides being 58 and still weighing what she did in her 20s, she is
now a best-selling author, too. Her recently published memoir-cum-diet
book, French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure is
currently at No. 3 on the New York Times list for hardcover advice
books. Since the book's publication, she says, she has been inundated
with offers to write a sequel, host a cooking show, and wear various
designers' dresses to the Oscars. There has even been discussion of a
movie. While it's still too soon to tell, it is possible that Guiliano
has helped launch one of the periodic turnovers in American dietary
mythology. Out with carbophobia; in with Francomania.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Fat phobia makes us sick

Fat phobia makes us sick

2005-02-23 / Knight Ridder / By Kathleen LeBesco

During National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (February 27 to March 5), we hear a lot about the devastation that anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating can wreak on the lives of our citizens. However, in the midst of our everyday media messages, what we often miss is a sense of how our hostile attitudes toward fatness and fat people fuel disordered eating.

Today's media, for instance, point to the values of our culture, and make examples out of those who conform and those who transgress. A host of programs centered around bodily transformations - from "The Biggest Loser" to "The Swan" to "Extreme Makeover" - remind us that fat folks, those icons of the obesity epidemic, should not exist as anything but the ghosts of "before" pictures.


Fit for life: why fat is not the problem

Fit for life: why fat is not the problem
February 24, 2005

YOU can be fat and healthy. It sounds like heresy, but it's the message of a leading Sydney nutritionist and author, who says our medicos and politicians have created a moral panic about obesity that could be doing more harm than good.

Sydney University's Jenny O'Dea is outraged at claims this week by University of Queensland researcher Alan Lopez that obesity is the new tobacco.

And she has a message for those self-satisfied stick insects out there.

Fat, fit men have a much lower risk of heart attack than slim, couch potato men.

Yes, wait for it, fat is not the root of all evil. You can also be thin and unhealthy.

O'Dea, who has written a book, Positive Food for Kids, says the approach of blaming the victims for the nation's weight gain is backfiring badly.

Her research has found overweight patients are deterred from going to the doctor because they don't want to be lectured by a profession they believe is prejudiced against them.

The media hype over obesity has spawned an explosion of fad dieting, which research shows will only add to long-term weight gain.

And by focusing on weight loss as the goal, the obesity-is-bad juggernaut has diverted attention from what should be the real message – the promotion of a healthy, active lifestyle as the means to preventing medical problems.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Meet the Women of "Big Dance"

Meet the Women of "Big Dance"

February 21, 2005

Are you ready to meet the women of "Big Dance"? Artistic director LYNDA RAINO teaches a modern dance class just for plus-sized people -- and she's revolutionizing the art form of movement in the process! ET has the story.

"The mandate of 'Big Dance' is 'You don't have to have a dancer's body; you only have to have a body that dances and dance with the body you have," Lynda tells ET.

Lynda says she began "Big Dance" in 1993 when a plus-sized woman came to the Victoria, B.C. resident and said she would love to take a dance class but would never, ever, walk into a studio with all those "skinny dancer bodies." Why not start a class for fat women? Lynda said to herself, "Why not?" and confides, "I was naive. I did not know I was going to enter a whirlwind ride of absolute revolution in dance. I thought we were just doing a class for fat women."


Friday, February 18, 2005

Learn to love your body, says belly dancer Ruth

Learn to love your body, says belly dancer Ruth
16 February 2005

BELLY dancer Ruth Cowan wants to help women of all shapes and sizes to love their bodies.

The 47-year-old, of Alexandra Park Road, Muswell Hill, teaches the dance while delivering advice on body psychology.

She said: "I want to help people feel comfortable with their bodies and to celebrate themselves as they are. It's therapeutic. People who feel fat can enjoy belly dancing."


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Fat and Proud

Fat and proud
Activist Heather MacAllister brings message of fat liberation to Ann Arbor
By Jason Michael
Originally printed 2/10/2005

ANN ARBOR - OK, let's start here: What is "fat liberation?" Admit it, you read the subhead and wondered, right? Well, worry not. Heather MacAllister has an answer for you.

"It is the radical concept that people can be healthy, happy and sexually attractive at every size, large or small," she said. "That's not to say that everyone is healthy. There are people who have health issues. But that's thin or fat. It's not inherently unhealthy and - more importantly - no one deserves to be discriminated against and fat liberation is about ending discrimination."

Now before you size threes out there throw this story down and move on, consider this:

"Ultimately, fat liberation helps everyone with any kind of body because it flies in the face of the billion dollar industry that supports people being dissatisfied with their bodies - the weight loss industries, cosmetic surgeries and fashion," said MacAllister. "I love fashion, but the industry holds up an ideal that very few people can obtain so we spend our time focused on how we look rather than how we feel."
